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About us

What we do

Autism Bedfordshire’s services help break down the barriers to social participation for autistic people and their families by providing places where they can go and feel comfortable, accepted and not judged by society. With the encouragement and support of specialist trained staff we help autistic people build their confidence, self-esteem, and social skills through taking part in social activities and mixing with other people. Furthermore, we help them to develop practical skills and independence which will improve their prospects in life and help them be part of the community. Our aspirations are for them to have the same opportunities as people who are not on the spectrum, so that they can enjoy fulfilled and rewarding lives.

How we can help

The physical and emotional stress of looking after an autistic child or adult is a huge strain on the parents and we want them to feel that they are not alone in their struggles. They can come to us for practical advice, information and emotional support so that they will be better equipped to cope with and care for their autistic children and any other siblings. We provide opportunities for them to have a guilt-free break from their caring responsibilities, safe in the knowledge their autistic child is being well looked after by staff who understand the challenges that autism can present.


Finally, we raise awareness of autism in the community in order to reduce misunderstanding about the condition. Through training and informative talks we educate schools, local businesses and community groups about the sort of behaviours that an autistic person may display and how best to respond to and be supportive of them. With our increasing presence at community events, members of the public can also become more knowledgeable about and accepting of autism. In this way we hope that autistic people will find it easier to engage with and integrate into mainstream society.

Why we exist

Autism Bedfordshire is the only voluntary organisation in the county that is specialised in supporting autistic adults and children. We are also there to support their families who become emotionally battered by the whole experience of supporting their child, fighting for the right services and trying to provide a normal home for the siblings. The need for our services increases due to cuts in spending across the NHS and Social Services. Local Councils are being forced to make significant changes resulting in many people who are on the autistic spectrum being left without the services they need, and rely upon.

Community amenities are often too busy and over-stimulating and the staff are not equipped to understand and support the specific needs of autistic people and young people and so there are limited places they can go to. They are therefore excluded from social, educational and life experiences that others take for granted. Often bullied, their confidence and self-esteem deteriorate and many develop depression and other mental health problems. They need places where they can be themselves and enjoy activities that are designed and run by people who understand their complex needs and anxieties and can support them if they become distressed. They need opportunities to build their confidence and learn skills that will help them cope with and integrate into society. Their parents feel isolated, depressed, emotionally and physically exhausted from looking after their autistic children and fighting for support. They desperately need to have a break and to learn strategies to cope with and support their autistic children. Siblings, often carers too, miss out on ‘normal life’ and need the chance to enjoy activities alongside or away from their autistic brother or sister.

Children can attend our groups over a number of years, so small improvements can be tracked and we have seen how these have led to significant improvements in their ability to function in the ‘real’ world. We have seen children who first came to us as confused, anxious and withdrawn individuals who, with support, encouragement and guidance, have blossomed into young people and adults who are more independent and confident to participate in and contribute to society.

How we were founded

Autism Bedfordshire was founded in 1991 by a group of parents who answered a local newspaper advert from a parent of an autistic child seeking other parents to share thoughts and strategies with. They knew that their children shared the same hopes, aspirations and worries as other children: having friends, being around people who understand and accept them and not think of them as ‘silly’ or ‘weird’, doing well at school, ultimately getting a job and living independently and being happy and fulfilled. They set the foundations for a charity that would grow to provide a range of places where autistic children could ‘be themselves’ and access activities designed and run by people who understand autism and can support them if they become anxious.

In 1994 they formed a charity, the Bedfordshire Society Working with Autism, which began to provide services for children and their parents, starting with a summer play scheme in 1995. Since then, the charity (renamed as Autism Bedfordshire) has grown to supporting over 2,500 families and autistic individuals.

To find out more about our history, click here.

Our Mission to Provide

  • A helping hand: practical support across the ages
  • A guiding light: information and guidance across the spectrum, and
  • A listening ear: making a difference across Bedfordshire and beyond

Our Aims to Provide

  • Excellent information, advice and training for all people
  • High quality services and advocate for autistic people’s needs and aspirations
  • Lifelong support and empowerment promote social inclusion


Every donation will help us to help others…

Governance and Policies

Autism Bedfordshire is a charitable company limited by guarantee. It was registered as a charity on 14th November 2003 and incorporated on 9th January 2004 at Companies House, Crown Way, Cardiff, CF14 3UZ.
Registration no: 04632497
Registered office and operation address: Suite B1, 1 Hammond Road, Elms Farm, Bedford, Bedfordshire MK41 0UD.
The company was established under a Memorandum of Association, which established the objects and powers of the charitable company and is governed under its Articles of Association. Under those articles, the members of the Management Committee are elected at the A.G.M. to serve a period of 3 years, subject to ratification at each A.G.M. which is usually held in October each year – see the last set of published minutes here.
The Members of the Management Committee are Trustees of the Charitable Company and also Directors for the purposes of Company Law.
This Board of Trustees is strongly involved in setting our overall direction and vision, and the trustees understand how the charity operates and what its opportunities and challenges are. Monthly board meetings are well attended and our vision, mission and objectives are regularly reviewed. You can see who our trustees are here.
To view our 2020-21 Annual Report and Accounts, please click here.
You can also find us on the Charity Commission website for England and Wales.

Autism Bedfordshire operates under a number of policies and procedures which can be read below:
Health, Safety and Welfare Policy
Child Protection Policy
Safeguarding Vulnerable Adults Policy and Procedure
Data Protection Policy
Compliments, Comments and Complaints Policy
Privacy Policy
Whistle Blowing Policy

How We're Funded

The cost of providing our services is over £600,000 per year. All our services and activities are funded by grant-making trusts, local authority funding, corporate donations, individual donations, proceeds from fundraising events, and membership and service payments.

In this climate of ever-decreasing funds and ever-increasing competition for them, fundraising and donations from our members and the general public really does make a difference. We would be delighted if you would like to fundraise for our charity and help us continue to provide our vital services to improve the lives of those autistic individuals.

We are happy to offer help and advice, and we can supply collection tins, leaflets, posters, sponsor forms and publicity. For further information and ideas on how to fundraise, please click here. If you need help with your event or activity please contact

However you choose to support us, thank you!

Luton Short Breaks

Autism Bedfordshire has acted as the Lead Body for the Luton Voluntary and Community Sector (VCS) Short Breaks Consortium since 2013.

The Consortium’s services provide significant short breaks support in Luton for disabled children and young people and their families.

Last year (2021/22), through its short breaks services, Consortium members supported 354 children and young people in Luton (aged 0-25) organised 757 short break sessions, and provided 28,571 short break hours.
This year the Consortium has 6 member organisations.

Terminology – the language we use and why

Autism can mean many things to many people. There are a number of terms that different people and groups prefer to use, including; autistic spectrum disorder, autistic spectrum condition, autistic spectrum difference, has autism, is autistic and neurodiversity.

We have a person approach to communicating with individuals and will ask and follow your preferences. Autism Bedfordshire use ‘autistic’ in our published communications and materials as an umbrella term for all such terms, including Asperger’s syndrome. This is in line with the terminology adopted by the National Autistic Society.

The National Autistic Society: What words do people prefer to use to describe people on the autism spectrum? ‘Autistic’?, ‘with autism’?, ‘has autism’? The language we use is important because it embodies and can therefore help change attitudes towards autism.

A piece of research published in the Autism journal in 2015 looked at the preferences of people on the autism spectrum, their families, friends and professionals around the language used to describe autism. The research was conducted by The National Autistic Society (NAS), the Royal College of GPs and the UCL Institute of Education. The findings confirmed that there is no single term that everyone prefers. However, they suggest a shift towards more positive and assertive language, particularly among autistic communities where autism is seen as integral to the person.

Survey responses from 3,470 people were analysed, including 502 autistic adults, 2,207 parents of children and adults on the autism spectrum, 1,109 professionals, and 380 extended family members and friends.The research found that all groups like the terms ‘on the autism spectrum’ and ‘Asperger syndrome’. Autistic adults like the identity-first terms ‘autistic’ and ‘Aspie’, whereas families didn’t like ‘Aspie’. Professionals also like the term ‘autism spectrum disorder (ASD)’. Some terms were strongly disliked or no longer used, particularly ‘low functioning’, ‘Kanner’s autism’ and ‘classic autism’. The language we use is important because it embodies and can therefore help change attitudes towards autism. To reflect the findings of this research, the NAS has begun to gradually increase the use of the term ‘autistic’ – particularly when talking about and to adults in that group. We will also use ‘on the autism spectrum’ as the default way of describing people on the autism spectrum.

The research shows that language preferences are evolving, and we will continue to research and test how different groups prefer to speak about autism. The debate around the way we describe autism in the public domain is different to the terms used to diagnose autism by medical professionals. Find out more about diagnostic terms and criteria.

Become a Member

Autism is a lifelong condition, so we want you to have a lifelong membership so that we can be here when you need us.

Our team and timeline

Meet the Team

Today Autism Bedfordshire employs 21 office staff and over 150 staff and volunteers to deliver our services to autistic children,young people and adults.

Emma Reade

Chief Executive Officer CEO

Lauren Barry

Children's Services Coordinator Children’s Services

Nicole Gudgen

Children's Services Coordinator Children’s Services

Raj Anujan

Data & Admin Officer Children’s Services

Naomi Charlton

Data and Marketing Officer Children’s Services

Fay Williams

Data & Admin Officer Children’s Services

Emma Reade

Chief Executive Officer CEO

Elizabeth Cook

Adult Services Director Adults’ Services

Angela Amitrano

BLMK Adult Services Manager Adults’ Services

Emily Cullum

Adult Skills and Development Manager Adults’ Services

Tracey Gale

Helpline and Assessment Officer Adults’ Services

Wendy Jephcote

Benefits Advisor Adults’ Services

Philip Whiting

Data Officer Adults’ Services

Tegan Irving

Skills Tutor Adults’ Services

Heather Wildsmith

Projects Development Lead Adults’ Services

Annette Reid

Projects Development Support Officer Adults’ Services

Matthias Djan

Projects Development Videographer Adults’ Services

Emma Reade

Chief Executive Officer CEO

Sharon Sturge

Chief Operations Officer Funding & Finance

Gina Ashley

Finance Officer Funding & Finance

Kate Norris

Finance Assistant Funding & Finance

Emma Reade

Chief Executive Officer CEO

Rob Bartlett

Consortium Manager Training & Admin

Mandy Higgs

Autism Training & Consultancy Manager Training & Admin

Fay Williams

Data & Admin Officer Training & Admin

Michelle Sanders

Data Administrator Funding, Training & Admin

Charlotte Davids

Lead Autism Trainer Training & Admin

Helen McHugh

Oliver McGowan Lead Facilitator Training & Admin

Becky Boulton

Autism Trainer Training & Admin

Alyssa Till

PA and Marketing Officer Training & Admin

Emma Reade

Chief Executive Officer CEO

Elizabeth Cook

Adult Services Manager Adult Services Hertfordshire

Kerrie Lister

Herts Adults Services Manager Adult Services Hertfordshire

Bex Slattery

Transitions and Social Co-Ordinator Adult Services Hertfordshire

Elle Aryton

Skills Tutor Adult Services Hertfordshire

Amanda Maguire

Skills Tutor Adult Services Hertfordshire

Tichea Brade

Peer Mentor Support Worker Adult Services Hertfordshire

Rochelle Ebanks

Helpline and Assessment Officer Adult Services Hertfordshire

Field Staff

For our Children’s Services, we have dedicated teams of Support Workers and Volunteers supporting the children. These teams are led by a Senior Team Leader and up to 3 Team Leaders. The Team Leaders should have at least NVQ Level 3 in Child Care, or equivalent education and social care qualifications. The Support Workers have to have at least NVQ Level 2 plus appropriate experience.

29 years of growth


Autism Bedfordshire was founded when a few parents got together to find help for their autistic children, share experiences and support each other. They established a charity that began with a telephone helpline and grew into a suite of services that would give other families invaluable support over the years to come.


In response to the stress and exhaustion parents reported during the summer holidays, we introduced our first Summer Activity Scheme to provide activities for autistic children and give their parents a much-needed break.


Our 2001 membership consultation showed families also wanted to go out together and meet others in a similar situation. In response to this we launched a term-time Saturday morning support/activity group called ‘Loads of Autistic Fun (L.O.A.F.) which was for children with autism up to age 12, their siblings and parents.


Our 2003 member consultation found that parents wanted social activity groups for their teenage children who often felt isolated and withdrew from society due to ridicule or bullying by their peers. We therefore introduced our fortnightly evening youth clubs for young people with Asperger Syndrome or high functioning autism aged 10 to 17 years.


We launched our Adult Services with an Adult Skills Project – a one day a week course teaching communication, social, employment and independence skills.


We set up our first Adult Social Group, providing social opportunities in the evening for adults with Asperger Syndrome.


Following the Autism Act 2009, the Government issued statutory guidance for local councils and NHS bodies to deliver services for adults with autism. As the only specialist autism provider in the county, Autism Bedfordshire was invited to be a key participant in developing the Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives Autism Strategies. We were commissioned to run an extensive Autism Awareness Training programme for professionals throughout Bedfordshire.


We began the first of many training sessions for parents, starting with a talk from Olga Bogdashina on Sensory Perceptual Issues in Autism.


We started to offer term-time sport and leisure activities for children and young people with autism, including swimming, golf and trampolining sessions.


We launched our ‘Progress into Education, Training and Employment’ programme designed for adults with high functioning autism or Asperger syndrome who are looking to enter the job market.  We recognise that employment is just one part of becoming self-supporting and so we assess individuals’ needs on a broad basis which may mean we help them towards other goals such as living independently, travelling independently or socialising independently.


We expanded our adult social provision to include daytime groups for those individuals who were unable to access our evening sessions.


We introduced a programme of interest-led sessions to try and engage ‘hard to reach’ adults with autism.  We worked with experts in the field to provide art, rowing and tennis sessions across Bedfordshire and were delighted to see so many new people interacting with our services.

The Charity’s Chief Executive was invited as keynote speaker at an event in London, organised by the Cranfield Trust, with guest of honour HRH Princess Anne.


On 24th November 2017 we opened our first charity shop on Lowther Road in Dunstable.  Local tradespeople and businesses donated their time, facilities and equipment to help us open the shop, enabling us to bring in a valuable unrestricted source of income.

Our Luton Junior Activity Scheme was graded as Outstanding by Ofsted.


Our second charity shop opened in Bedford in September 2018 – making us the only local, independent charity shop on the High Street.  Once again it all came together thanks to a tremendous community effort from local tradespeople, businesses and friends of Autism Bedfordshire.


Our Bedford Junior Activity Scheme was graded as Outstanding by Ofsted.

We launched a new skills development programme for autistic young people with relatively low level support needs.  ‘Skills4Success’ is designed to provide 16-19 year olds with the opportunity to learn and develop communication and life skills, alongside accessing social opportunities in the community which enables them to consolidate their learning in real life environments.

2020 present

Autism Bedfordshire was awarded the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service

We seek feedback from autistic children, young people and adults, as well as their parents, siblings, staff and volunteers through a variety of means, including annual written evaluation questionnaires. Unanimously, we are asked to continue with what we are providing and to increase our provision.

Over the years, therefore, we have developed our services as follows:

  • Summer Activity Programme – we now run 5 different week-long schemes at two locations in the county.
  • L.O.A.F. – we run groups at 4 locations across the county.
  • Wanted Fun – we run groups at 4 locations across the county.
  • Adult Skills Project – in 2016-17 we ran 10 courses across the county.
  • Adult Social Groups – we now have 5 social groups (daytime and evening) across the county.
  • Employment Support – we provide flexible employment support packages for our members, ranging from group job clubs, structured one-to-one support, mediation with employers, interview practice and job searching.
  • Autism Training for professionals – we have developed a range of quality, specialist training packages that cater for a variety of delegate needs and have to date trained over 2,000 professionals.
  • Parent Training – we now run a programme of 6 week long courses each year plus occasional evening sessions to educate parents on various aspects of autism and how to best support their children. In 2016-17 we trained a total of 275 parents and carers.

And we still continue to run our helpline service!

2020 present